[Wine] WineOnWindows
2016-04-09 03:55:29 UTC
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2016-04-09 13:20:40 UTC
Now that we have native ELF binary Linux support in Windows, and the ability already to run some X programs (using an external X server like Xming), it got me wondering if the old WineOnWindows idea could be resurrected.

The reason I'm suggesting is because with the switch to Win64, Microsoft has deprecated NTVDM support, meaning a lot of 16 bit and early 32 bit Windows programs are unable to run on 64 bit versions of Windows - although running fine on 64 bit Wine/Linux.

A lot of old companies continue to rely on legacy 16 bit software, so I feel it may be worth an investigation to see if the project is viable.

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Andrew Udvare
2016-04-11 12:53:03 UTC
Post by 3***@guerrillamail.com
Now that we have native ELF binary Linux support in Windows, and the ability already to run some X programs (using an external X server like Xming), it got me wondering if the old WineOnWindows idea could be resurrected.
I do not know why it matters to have native ELF binary support on Windows since Linux already has that. If everything was to be on one machine, a VM could be used for anything that needs it.

The Wine on Windows project is to run Wine natively with Win32 APIs, not via X. Just like on OS X Wine now runs like a native Mac app, not via X.
Post by 3***@guerrillamail.com
The reason I'm suggesting is because with the switch to Win64, Microsoft has deprecated NTVDM support, meaning a lot of 16 bit and early 32 bit Windows programs are unable to run on 64 bit versions of Windows - although running fine on 64 bit Wine/Linux.
Microsoft still supports 32-bit Windows. Windows 10 may or may not be the last one but it still exists.
Post by 3***@guerrillamail.com
A lot of old companies continue to rely on legacy 16 bit software, so I feel it may be worth an investigation to see if the project is viable.
Companies are very likely to stick with what is working until they lose their support contracts, whether it is Microsoft or someone else. There are a lot of opportunities to make a lot of money supporting legacy hardware and software.

You are making a hypothetical, because I do not see that you are suggesting you would use this. It sounds like you want to promote Wine, which is good, but then I think it's better to go further with open source solutions with Linux/BSD/etc at the core.

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