[Wine] Wine Staging fixes bugs!
2015-10-16 19:40:20 UTC
Hi All,

I have extraordinary good news to share!

Red Hat (Fedora 22, Enterprise Linux 7) has switched from Wine to
Wine Stating. Wine Stating is Wine with a bunch of bugs fixed
and developers that take fixing bugs seriously.

I have had bugs registered with regular Wine for over six years.
I don't know what your experience with Wine is, but I have found
that it is an extremely unusual event if Wine ever fixes a bug
I post to them. It is very frustrating.

Since switching to Wine Stating and reposting my bugs to
them, they have fixed EVERY SINGLE ONE. In one instance, I had
to get the software publisher permission to send them an ISO
of my disk (which they did) and Wine Staging fixed every single
bug within a week. MOST THE VERY NEXT DAY.

This reminds me of when Open Office would not fix anything
(I had six year old bugs there too). When Libre Office
launched, I reposted them to Libre Office. They fixed
every single one within two weeks. I have never looked back
on Open Office since.

Wine Staging (full tar ball):

If you are using Fedora of EL, you already have Wine Staging.

And make sure you report Wine Staging bugs to Wine Staging
(regular Wine gets a bit crabby if you report Staging's
bugs to them).


And Wine Staging reports their fixed back to Wine, where
they are eventually incorporated.

And, oh my goodness Lotus Smart Suite runs nicely under Wine
Stating 1.7.52! YIPPEE !!!!

Oh and get this, on their bug reporter, they have a category
called "Discussion" (means discussion with a the developers).
You can actually ask them for assistance!

:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows
2015-10-16 21:13:05 UTC
Post by ToddAndMargo
I have extraordinary good news to share!
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
It's great that your experience with wine-staging is so good and you are
excited about it. While discovering it, you seem to have missed the most
important news item about it, it's now an official part of WineHQ and
the wine development process:


Btw, my experience with reporting bugs at the winehq bug tracker hasn't
been as bad as yours. I found some regressions over the years, ran the
regression tests with git bisect and reported the bug with some
additional pieces of information. It usually only took a few days until
a developer reacted and pushed a fix into the master branch. There's
still one bug which affects a lot of people which has been open for over
a year now and little progress has been made, though.

2015-10-16 21:30:06 UTC
Post by Hoshpak
Post by ToddAndMargo
I have extraordinary good news to share!
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
It's great that your experience with wine-staging is so good and you are
excited about it. While discovering it, you seem to have missed the most
important news item about it, it's now an official part of WineHQ and
Btw, my experience with reporting bugs at the winehq bug tracker hasn't
been as bad as yours. I found some regressions over the years, ran the
regression tests with git bisect and reported the bug with some
additional pieces of information. It usually only took a few days until
a developer reacted and pushed a fix into the master branch. There's
still one bug which affects a lot of people which has been open for over
a year now and little progress has been made, though.
Try reporting it to Wine Stating!
2015-10-16 21:41:20 UTC
Post by Hoshpak
wine-staging is so good and you are
excited about it. While discovering it, you seem to have missed the most
important news item about it, it's now an official part of WineHQ and
I have noticed that! My geriatric bugs at Wine now come through
with "Status = STAGED" about two weeks after Wine Staging
fixes them.
Post by Hoshpak
Btw, my experience with reporting bugs at the winehq bug
tracker hasn't been as bad as yours.
Part of the problem is that I am a one man shop and I can not
afford to fund a team of developers at Code Weavers (same
folks as the regular Wine developers).
Computers are like air conditioners.
They malfunction when you open windows